Carollyne Sinclaire Artist
Capturing the Beauty of Colour, Light and Shadow

Art Log

(posted on 8 Nov 2023)

I can never stay away from the flowers too long--this one called me back to the easel to create it in lush oils.

At Art Walk in Penticton in November I will paint on the highlights  but it's very close to being a finished piece.  Here's a glimpse behind the scenes of my process.  The colour swatches I make ahead of time give me an accurate start to mix my paints; the little postcard is an image from J.E.H. MacDonald's The Tangled Garden, the feeling of which I hoped to capture in this painting and the source photo which I took 2 summers ago at Gayle Cornish's home up Mt. Kobe.Below are photos of the process at different stages.

Petal by petal, leaf by leaf after an accurate drawing I build the flower image.

As you can see the colours can appear different, this one more bluish, from photo to photo.

Penticton's Annual Fall Art Walk will take place on November 18th.  Here's a tip for you as parking can be tight:  park behind Penticton's Town Hall or in the movie parking lot.  Over 20 different venues will be open for viewing, chatting with artists and treats in many.